Remembering What Is Important

May 06, 2022

Recently I had an episode in my life where I became important that I had to correct certain aspects of my life. Like I mentioned in my previous post,  I am a journey to become a better version of myself for my daughter, my family and friends.

This involves switching the focus from what I want to what others want. Or at least, to make a conscious effort to acknowledge their needs more deeply and sincerely. It’s still paramount that I know myself so that I can learn to put my limits. Knowing want you want for yourself and what you expect of others, makes you a better, more predictable and attractive person.

It’s also a way that shows confidence. When you know what you want, its helps show others how they should treat you as well. Having fuzzy or unclear position in life, can make people uncomfortable, because they will not know how to deal with you.

It’s better to be unapologetic about who you are. Sure not everyone will like what you have to offer, but that’s not why we are here on earth.

Getting to know yourself if the best thing you can do in your life. It’s never too late to start.

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Written by Philippe Guay who lives and works in San Francisco building useful things. You should follow them on Twitter